21 Day Productivity Challenge

21 day challenge

Today begins my 21 days to productivity challenge. I wanted to do this challenge to not only increase my productivity but to also see where I was getting hung up in regards to productivity. So for the next 21 days I will post a challenge to complete that will help in the attainment of a higher level of productivity. I hope you will join me in this challenge. Even if you are already highly productive, it does not hurt to revisit and get a gentle reminder of all the task driven actions you need to take to get and stay productive.

Ok, here we go.

Today’s challenge: Define your purpose; your passion; your ultimate why.

This might seem like a simply task, but it can be a heavy task to complete. It will be important to dig deep on this one because your purpose, your passion, your why; that is the reason we wake up in the morning and should be the reason behind everything that we do. So pull out a pen or pencil or Evernote or Notes on your phone and figure out what defines the life you desire to live.

See you tomorrow for the next challenge.

xoxo, laportsia

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